Saturday, July 30, 2011

Kitchen Plates

I did some kitchen organization today with my mom. We went through almost all of our glass plates and got rid of the items that were too chipped.
We were able to pair down and eliminate 1 of the 2 plate stands we had sitting out on counters. We are now storing some everyday/microwaveable plates on a plate stand which makes them easily accessible. The other plates on the slide out shelf (pictured) are categorized and have a specific place. YAY! Whoever puts away the clean dishes should have no excuse for putting it away in the wrong place. :)
I'll repost in 3 months to see if this actually works for long term organization.

Is your kitchen bursting at the seams with dinnerware?

1- "Consult"[with yourself or family members] -Figure out the problems with the way your dinnerware is kept. What is your goal in going through them? To gain more space on counters? Need a place for a new item? Sick of pulling out chipped items or dishes you don't even like?

2- Sort through your items keeping your goals in mind. Only keep non-chipped items that you like and know you will use.

3- Implement -Categorize the items you are keeping and give them a specific place. Keep in mind accessibility, amount of use, etc. when deciding on a place.

Overwhelmed!?! Let me help you!

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