Friday, March 5, 2010

Do you have an office closet that looks like this?


Do you want your office closet to look like this?

Read about my client's experience getting this office closet organized:

"I got a knot in my stomach every time I looked in our office closet. I had tried organizing it several times but with limited success as after a few months it inevitably descended to chaos. However, since our office needed to be functional because my husband works from home, I knew we needed professional help. Ellen came over and walked with me through the whole process. She helped me make sense of everything, get rid of what wasn't needed and put a system in place that worked. Three months later, I can look for something in the dark in that closet and pull it right out. The system works so well that the level of organization has remained even when new items have been added. The best feeling though is that I can walk into our closet with confidence instead of dread. I am deeply grateful to Ellen for her amazing skills, patience and perseverance!" ~Sherrie

I was able to help Sherrie with her office closet in 1 day (preceded by her free one hour consultation ahead of time).

  • I used what she already owned to get her organized and just gave her suggestions for items she could buy and utilize for even better organization!
  • TIP: (Notice the faint drawing on the top shelf of the "after" picture of the closet.) I suggested to Sherrie to buy a plastic 3 drawer container to hold pencils, pens, and other office supplies instead of using just a box to store such items. This
    uses up the vertical wall space of the closet as well as
    makes storing and reaching for what you need easier.

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