Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Holiday Storage

Have you been enjoying your holiday decorations?
Check out the Container Stores cool Holiday storage items made to help you keep your decorations looking nice for next year.

Not sure how to start?
I can help!
Take advantage of my special Holiday rate ($20 per hour) and get your decorations organized. Schedule your free consultation before January 7th!

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Holidays are coming!!!!

-Is clutter crowding out your holiday spirit?
*No room for guests or decorations?
~Can't find those gifts you bought on sale?


  • Organize kitchen cabinets and pantry and enjoy making those holiday goodies!
  • Declutter guest room and enjoy having the family for the holidays!
  • Organize gift wrap and isn't it fun to be Santa's elf?
  • Make room in the coat closet and guess what!?! Hang up your COATS!
  • Sort through game room toys and now there is room for the new ones!

(now through January 7th, 2011)

Give the gift of organization!
Gift certificates are available.

Schedule now for holiday decoration storage organization in January.
Receive 20% off the total price!

Contact me for your FREE evaluation!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Toys, Toys, Toys...

Are you overwhelmed by the amount and messiness of your kids toys?

Let me help you (and your child) sort through the toys you own and then help you come up with a more organized way to store them.
It might even make playing and picking up a little more fun!

Boys Room Toys [Top=Before;Bottom=After:)]

We already owned the bins. Look at the difference a shelf makes!
We found this fairly inexpensive- heavy duty shelf at Costco. It is adequate for the toys for now and when the boys are older or move out, the shelf can be re-purposed in the garage!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010



I would LOVE to help you on either end of your move!

If you are packing up...
Have you ever used that kitchen appliance you got last Christmas!?! Do you really wear all of those tops in your closet!?!

Let me help you sort through your belongings and pack up only what is necessary and important to you.
Don't pack up your clutter and bring it with you. Start off fresh in your new home!
You may lower your cost of moving because you are packing up less stuff, too! :)

If you are unpacking...
Don't throw all of your kitchen items into the cabinets thinking you will get back to organizing it later!
Let me help you put it away in an organized fashion right off the bat!

Did you have to pack up in a hurry and bring your clutter with you? No problem!
Let me help you sort through your items before you put them in their new home.

contact me:

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Making Room in the Pantry

One client hired me to make room in her pantry as she was about to have another family move in to her house for a bit. She wanted me to get her items to only take up about half of the pantry shelving. We did! I used boxes that one of us already owned and I categorized by type: dry goods, canned goods, baking supplies, etc.
AFTER:)- FloorTIP: Notice the big cooking pot on the floor of this pantry? With nothing inside, it takes up useful space!
As it is not used very often in this household, I was able to use it for storing some hospitality chocolate boxes that needed a spot.
Try using large pots as storage, too!

I would love to hear what you store in yours...leave a comment!

Need help organizing your pantry?
I would love to help!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How to Recycle- Office Technology

UPDATE: Check your local Staples for their recycling policies. My brother tried to take a DELL computer more recently and they were going to charge him. Too bad! :(

My household was beginning to have quite the collection of old computers/monitors and we weren't entirely sure what to do with them.

My brother found out that Staples recycles certain technological items including monitors and computers. He was able to drop our old computers (after removing the RAM) and monitors off at a local store. They recycle DELL products for free and other brands have a $10 fee.

It is so nice to have them out of the house but know that they are being disposed of properly.
Check out and type "recycling programs" in the search bar for more information on how and what they recycle.
Thank you Staples! You really made that easy!!

Enjoy ridding your house of clutter by recycling!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Storing Spices

Look for this great product: Kamenstein 12 Tin Magnetic Spice Rack

I found it at Costco and was able to recommend it to one of my clients to help her store some of her spices.
These 12 tins magnetically stick to an easel that you can set on top of your counter or attach to the wall.

TIP: My clients refrigerator was right next to her stove- top so I suggested that she just attach the magnetic tins directly to the side of the fridge!
Loose or frequently used spices right at your fingertips!
Don't know how to even start organizing your spices?
Let me help!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Storing School Papers, Projects, and Keepsakes

School is out!...

Now what do you do with all of the important papers, projects, and keepsakes?

Pictures are fun to display for a while, but it's time to make room for next years' masterpieces.

Below are some pictures of the "Life" Box I put together after I graduated from high-school to organize the paperwork from my school years.

It contains pictures from preschool, journals from middle school, and chemistry homework!

TIP: If your child is still in school, you can start them a box now and just add to it each year. As it starts to fill and time goes on, you can sort through the box and keep only the most important and meaningful projects.

I organized mine by school year with different subcategories.

Overwhelmed by all the papers to sort through to make your own box?
Let me help!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Looking through Organizing Idea Book by John Loecke. I recommend it!

He wrote:
"The important thing to remember is that getting organized isn't about changing the way you live, but rather it's about accommodating your lifestyle." [emphasis added]
Let me help you organize the way that you already live!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How are your kitchen cabinets?

Are you scared to open your kitchen cabinets for fear items will come falling out?
How would you like to be able to open your cabinets with peace of mind and even let your children help you put dishes away in an organized fashion?
Let me help you regain order and peace of mind like I did for this client.
Shelli wrote:

"You did a phenomenal job organizing our kitchen and our life. Especially since the kitchen is the center of the home and somehow where everything happens as well as finds it's way there.
We are eating at home more and you will be so proud of us we are sticking to the plan. Also, I am less likely to hold onto items. You greatly inspired me to get my bathroom sinks and drawers done."

For rates and information on how I can help you organize your "world", send me an e-mail:

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A place for "Odds and Ends"

Do you ever find some little thing on the floor (maybe a screw or piece from a toy) that looks important but you can't remember what it goes with or don't have time to find the item?

Before you throw it away, place these odds and ends in a container and place the container in a kitchen drawer or other central location. When you do find or remember the item the "odd/end" goes with, you won't have to then search for the little screw that you saw a few days ago, you'll know right where it is!
Every few months, go through your "odds and ends container" and throw away the items that have not been reunited to anything.
This one tip could save you time and regrets!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Do you have an office closet that looks like this?


Do you want your office closet to look like this?

Read about my client's experience getting this office closet organized:

"I got a knot in my stomach every time I looked in our office closet. I had tried organizing it several times but with limited success as after a few months it inevitably descended to chaos. However, since our office needed to be functional because my husband works from home, I knew we needed professional help. Ellen came over and walked with me through the whole process. She helped me make sense of everything, get rid of what wasn't needed and put a system in place that worked. Three months later, I can look for something in the dark in that closet and pull it right out. The system works so well that the level of organization has remained even when new items have been added. The best feeling though is that I can walk into our closet with confidence instead of dread. I am deeply grateful to Ellen for her amazing skills, patience and perseverance!" ~Sherrie

I was able to help Sherrie with her office closet in 1 day (preceded by her free one hour consultation ahead of time).

  • I used what she already owned to get her organized and just gave her suggestions for items she could buy and utilize for even better organization!
  • TIP: (Notice the faint drawing on the top shelf of the "after" picture of the closet.) I suggested to Sherrie to buy a plastic 3 drawer container to hold pencils, pens, and other office supplies instead of using just a box to store such items. This
    uses up the vertical wall space of the closet as well as
    makes storing and reaching for what you need easier.


Welcome to my organizational business blog!
Space Cadet Organizational Solutions is a small business helping individuals in Frisco, Texas and surrounding areas organize their world.
Whether your "world" is your home, office, or school, contact me to help you organize your possessions in a functional way that will enable you to live a more efficient (and stress-free) life!Even if I am outside your area, stay tuned for organizational ideas and tips, customer testimonials, before and after pictures of some of my projects, and more.
For rates and information contact: