Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Making Room in the Pantry

One client hired me to make room in her pantry as she was about to have another family move in to her house for a bit. She wanted me to get her items to only take up about half of the pantry shelving. We did! I used boxes that one of us already owned and I categorized by type: dry goods, canned goods, baking supplies, etc.
AFTER:)- FloorTIP: Notice the big cooking pot on the floor of this pantry? With nothing inside, it takes up useful space!
As it is not used very often in this household, I was able to use it for storing some hospitality chocolate boxes that needed a spot.
Try using large pots as storage, too!

I would love to hear what you store in yours...leave a comment!

Need help organizing your pantry?
I would love to help!