Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How are your kitchen cabinets?

Are you scared to open your kitchen cabinets for fear items will come falling out?
How would you like to be able to open your cabinets with peace of mind and even let your children help you put dishes away in an organized fashion?
Let me help you regain order and peace of mind like I did for this client.
Shelli wrote:

"You did a phenomenal job organizing our kitchen and our life. Especially since the kitchen is the center of the home and somehow where everything happens as well as finds it's way there.
We are eating at home more and you will be so proud of us we are sticking to the plan. Also, I am less likely to hold onto items. You greatly inspired me to get my bathroom sinks and drawers done."

For rates and information on how I can help you organize your "world", send me an e-mail: spacecadetorganization@gmail.com